Let me point out that asking an individual developer to give an estimate 
is probably the least accurate and effective method,
partitioning or no. Books on estimation flame about it.

If you've got no historical data, a much better bet is to get a group of 
people to give estimates.   As well as code writers,
this group should include application analysts, testers, and documentation 
developers.  If you want to get fancy about things,
you can hold formal meetings using the wideband Delphi methodology.  Why 
does this work?  For the same reason, any kind
of group review works; it reminds people of the things they've forgotten 
in their estimate.  Although I don't know of any research
that shows this, getting a full list of tasks probably contributes more to 
accuracy than the accuracy of the individual pieces.

If you've got historical data, then there are a large range of techniques 
available, ranging from estimation by analogy up to
models like COCOMO that take into account a whole range of factors, 
including experience of the team and memory constraints
on the processor(s) on which the application will be run.  There are also 
commercial tools such as KnowledgePlan and QSM.

It's also worth pointing out that on any non-trivial problem, effort 
estimation is not the same as schedule estimation.  To do schedule
estimation you need to understand both intrinsic constraints - "this has 
to get written before that" - and resource constraints - "these
people won't be available until this other project finishes." 

People who do estimation also talk about the "estimation convergence." 
Early estimates have very wide error bands; as the project
proceeds, the estimates get narrower and more accurate.


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