Thank you for the help. Here's what I've learned and found issues.

* This is what I tried inside the my custom tuner.

        cfg = FallbackConfigEntity()
        func_name =          // conv2d_nchw_winograd.cuda
        ref_log = autotvm.tophub.load_referernce_log( target.target_name, 
                                                      '1080ti', func_name)
        print(cfg)                          // Returns 'None'

* Automatic device model selection in line 229 did not work for my case: when 
selecting alternative model, current code does not check whether it contains 
data for the workload and pick the wrong model. So, currently, I picked the 
valid model manually.

* Is there any reason for *FallbackConfigEntity*  to inherit *ConfigSpace*, not 
the *ConfigEntity*? In my code, *cfg.fallback_with_reference_log* updates *cfg* 
with reference configuration but since it is not a *ConfigEntity* object,  
tuner cannot handle this object. For example, *index* field does not exist with 
*FallbackConfigEntity* although it loads the best knobs from the reference. 
When I pass this object to the tuner, it complains the runtime error with 

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