SUSE 9.3 is spectacularly solid with GnuRadio, has the low latency patches in the updated kernels, and YAST (Yet Another Somethingorother Tool) is really quite lovely as a system management tool. Upgrades are trivial. They distribute with a buggy version of gcc which they appear to have patched. What the patches consist of, I am too lazy and/or busy to find out. I downloaded and installed gcc 3.4.4 and have been very happy.

Just do not try to upgrade Gtk until Eric and or others tell us that they have upgraded to (say) Gtk 2.8 and beyond and all of the funkiness with atk, pango, etc. have been worked out. I will really be happy to get an upgraded set of Gtk/Python tools at my disposal because the initialization of the controls (or lack thereof) is a pain. We should not have to touch controls to initialize them, or we should standardize on rc files where the "last setting" or a set of profiles is stored and read at user control. If I had time, I would do it. I do not have time. I need to use the USRP/GnuRadio for specific tasks and that consumes the time I have available for this. BTW, wxPython2.6.1 builds, installs, and works with the Gtk distributed with SUSE 9.3

SUSE 9.3 is why I have been stable on one distribution for months.


Alfred A. Aburto Jr. wrote:

Otherwise, being brand new to LINUX, is SUSE (I have 9.2, not yet installe!) good? I have a new USRP (not out of the box yet) but I'm worried that I didn't go with Fedora Core 3 or 4...
Thanks for feedback!

> Robert McGwier wrote:

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