HPSDR grew up on its on from "Friends of Flex Radio". It was an organic happening. It is borrowing heavily from Gnu Radio. It does have a more amateur radio centric focus. TAPR and AMSAT are both supporters but we are supporters of Gnu Radio as well. Matt, Eric, and others belong to AMSAT projects. Matt is the principal investigator on the digital communications package for our next spacecraft. Lyle is personally much more interested in the embedded controller applications (DSP chips) than desktop. He is a Flex Radio owner and user. Frank Brickle and I do both Gnu Radio and HPSDR. We are heavily involved in the Sasquatch, Odyssey, and other pieces. If there is competition, it is friendly and not hostile. I do not perceive any competition and I am close to both. Eric subscribes to the HPSDR group and contributes comments on occasion. I comment wherever I am, whether I should or not ;-). HPSDR is using the USB interface approach from Gnu Radio. Hey! Why reinvent the wheel?

I suspect there will be some competition for customers for the USRP and the Mercury/Ozy. When the latter becomes real, we can guage it better then. I hope Matt is doing a USRP-2. I continue to support both efforts. My feeling is your perception is incorrect. I do suspect that GnuRadio will be easily adapted to Ozy/Mercury when that becomes available since HPSDR has borrowed so heavily from GnuRadio.

As you say, HPSDR is an open source open hardware happening and it serves up everything from source to gerber files in its svn server.


Marcus Leech wrote:
Anyone here have any more info on www.hpsdr.org?

This sounds like a competing open-source SDR effort. It sounds like Lyle and friends are either
 not aware of Gnu Radio, or there's some politics I'm not aware of...

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AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL,
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat.
You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los
Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly
the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there.
The only difference is that there is no cat." - Einstein

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