On Fri, Jan 26, 2007 at 06:25:29PM -0800, Brett Trotter wrote:
> I took Dan Halperin's advice and totally deleted my build tree- I also
> totally cleaned out all traces of gnuradio and re-checked out everything
> from subversion and re-built (n4hy's tree) and am still missing
> _gnuradio_swig_python.

There is no longer a _gnuradio_swig_python file.  It's not supposed to
be there.  I believe the problem you are seeing is related to stale
swig dependencies left over in the current build tree.

See http://gnuradio.org/trac/ticket/130

Either of these should fix the problem:

    If you start with a fresh checkout -- into an *empty* directory -- I'm
    pretty sure that you will not see the message.  By *empty* I mean
    *empty*.  That is, no .deps or .libs files, or anything else for
    that matter.

    cd gnuradio-core/src/lib/swig
    for file in *.d do; cp /dev/null $file; done


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