On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Michael Ossmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...An educated lawyer is going to be able to provide insights
> into how a particular license or contract affects his or her client,
> even after a single reading, that a layman would not notice...

The complaint is aimed at a general tendency of the lawyers I've actually
dealt with, repeatedly, in connection with dual-licensing issues involving
code of my own already under GPL. That's around 3/4 dozen attorneys. Of that
group, only one was candid enough to admit up-front to ignorance concerning
the GPL. The remainder basically engaged in elaborate handwaving. (Full
disclosure: some of them were on the *other* side of the negotiation, and
not doing their clients any favors.)

The problem isn't not knowing, the problem is dissembling about not knowing.
The point is, caveat emptor.


Travelling by airplane in the US is nothing more than mass training of
Americans to the requirements of the coming police state. The whole point is
to make you learn to acquiesce without question, en masse, to completely
absurd directives by dull functionaries wearing uniforms. -- Atrios
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