On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 02:21:19PM -0400, George Nychis wrote:
> Additionally, 3rd party support is a great way to gather code for someone 
> to look at what else is available out there.  For example, there was 
> multi-path code someone posted a while back that they had to go through 
> some hassle to setup their own server to host it.  That server is likely 
> down by now.  If there was some additional repo they could commit it to, 
> we'd have it right here right now to work from, and so could other people.
> Maybe an additional SVN is what we need.  Maybe a GIT repo.  A wiki so that 
> people can provide some information about their code.  We need something.  
> I don't care of its officially supported by GNU Radio or not, but I think 
> it would certainly benefit the GNU Radio community.
> - George

I've just registered cgran.org -- the Comprehensive GNU Radio Archive

Please let me know when you've finished implementing it, and I'll
point the DNS records to it.


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