
I got my previous problem to work, so no need to respond.  I needed to
cast channel to an int.

Thanks for any trouble.


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Sebastiaan Heunis <sheu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks Eric for helping me with the analysis_filterbank and the fact
> that all the channels up to the one that I'm interested in should be
> connected to something.  I do however have another problem now.  I
> have an app that allows me to pick a channel from a slider.  The
> slider goes from 1 to 20 (so it's channels 1 to 19)).  This is the
> slider's callback:
> def set_channel(self,channel):
>                self.lock()
>                self.disconnect_all()
>                self.connect(self.source_i,(self.conv,0))
>                self.connect(self.source_q,(self.conv,1))
>                self.connect(self.conv,self.throttle)
>                self.connect(self.throttle,self.pfb)
>                self.connect(self.throttle,self.src_fft)
>                chan_no = channel-1
>                if (chan_no == 0):
>                        self.connect((self.pfb,0),self.final_fft)
>                else:
>                        for x in range(0,chan_no):
> self.connect((self.pfb,x),gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex))
>                                print x
>                        self.connect((self.pfb,chan_no),self.final_fft)
>                self.unlock()
>                self.myform['channel'].set_value(channel)
>                self.myform['channel_slider'].set_value(channel)
> I get the following error when changing the slider value:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gnuradio/wxgui/form.py",
> line 233, in <lambda>
>    lambda evt: callback(self._map_out(evt.GetInt())))
>  File "test_gui.py", line 100, in set_channel
>    self.connect((self.pfb,chan_no),self.final_fft)
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gnuradio/gr/top_block.py",
> line 70, in connect
>    self._connect(points[i-1], points[i])
>  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gnuradio/gr/top_block.py",
> line 76, in _connect
>    dst_block.basic_block(), dst_port)
>  File 
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gnuradio/gr/gnuradio_swig_py_runtime.py",
> line 1493, in connect
>    return _gnuradio_swig_py_runtime.gr_top_block_sptr_connect(*args)
> NotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function
> 'gr_top_block_sptr_connect'.
>  Possible C/C++ prototypes are:
>    connect(boost::shared_ptr<gr_top_block > *,gr_basic_block_sptr)
>    connect(boost::shared_ptr<gr_top_block >
> *,gr_basic_block_sptr,int,gr_basic_block_sptr,int)
> Where line 100 is this:
> self.connect((self.pfb,chan_no),self.final_fft)
> Can anyone please help with this?
> Thanks a lot.
> Sebastiaan
> --
> Sebastiaan Heunis
> Radar and Remote Sensing Group, University of Cape Town
> Tel:  +27 83 305 5667

Sebastiaan Heunis
Radar and Remote Sensing Group, University of Cape Town
Tel:  +27 83 305 5667

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