Suprin, Charles E. wrote:
> Matt,
> I had not seen your other post before I responded to the first one.  
> How do you do a "receive at"?  Looking at 
> usrp2/host/apps/include/usrp2/usrp2.h, the only function I see is 
> start_rx_streaming which does not have a timestamp in it.
> As for the sync_every_pps, if one is running two setup, physically separate, 
> then the timestamps of the same time will agree if they both reset on 
> separate GPS generated PPS's.  That way if one reboots or restarts the 
> application, the time ambiguity is in units of seconds which can generally 
> resolved with a NTP on the host computer.  
> If I am missing something that could solve this more easily, let me know.
> Charles

 Johnathan mentioned the "receive at" call to me as well - and I see
there is a ticket #341 for USRP2 send-at and receive-at. So this is
something that is still in-development? Looks like it will be coming
with the new message passing architecture.

Doug Geiger
Research Assistant
Communications and Signal Processing Lab
Oklahoma State University

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