On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:43:19PM -0700, Firas A. wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone tried to run USRP1 without PC?
> I have an application where a friend supported me with a standalone USRP
> FPGA image. I used the PC only to load this image to the USRP using gnuradio
> blocks/tools. After that I can plug-off (disconnect) the USB cable from the
> PC and USRP continue to operate standalone.
> My question is, has anyone tried to load USRP FPGA image without a PC? For
> example using a micro-controller (Like Microchip PIC 18F4550 which has USB
> 2.0  port) with SD memory holding the image?
> What it takes/need  to do so? 
> Best Regards,
> Firas


This might work.  The control end point works in both USB 2.0 and USB
1.1 mode.  As long as you were only using that, you could probably get
the FX2 image and the FPGA image loaded.

It's worth a try.  


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