On Sat, 2009-04-25 at 16:34 -0400, Robert McGwier wrote:

> I am not able to configure and compile GR on Ubuntu 9.04 using the
> directions from the gnuradio.org/trac on any of three different
> machines on which I attempted to do the upgrade.  I then tried on one
> of them doing a raw install (the one with the least stuff on it).  The
> same failure occurs, so updates do not appear to be broken.
> Since several of us are making a big deal of gr-qtgui right now and
> about to roll out several things which we think will be of interest to
> people, it was disappointing to find that pyqt-qt4-qwt5 would not
> install, complaining about python-2.6 being too new a version.
> I think this is a temporary problem, caused by recent updates to
> Ubuntu 9.04 repositories, but thankfully, there is an easy remedy that
> just works.
> If you go the  PyQwt home page, and download PyQwt 5.1.0 source,  pay
> attention to the requisites and make sure you have apt-get them (sip4,
>  pyqt-qt4-dev, ....) ,  GR makes and runs with gr-qtgui enabled.

Just FYI, however, if you aren't using gr-qtgui, GNU Radio compiles and
installs just fine on Ubuntu 9.04, on two of my lab machines here, by
just upgrading them with their currently installed packages from 8.10.


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