On 03/04/2010 11:24 AM, Josh Blum wrote:

3. Using sudo ./u2_flash_tool --dev=/dev/mmcblk0p1 -t s/w txrx.bin �Cw

I'm a litttle concerned that you have an MMC card and not an SD card,
based on the device name that gets created when you insert the card
into your read/writer. Using SD cards, I've only ever seen Ubuntu
generate devices of type '/dev/sdX'. But since I've never actually
used an MMC card, I don't know if this is unrelated to your problem or

My built-in laptop card reader also produced device names like that. It
never worked for me with writing the usrp2 images. Also, it would
unmount/crash itself if i tried reading/writing large files to a sd card
with a file system. Just sayin...

Anyway, based on my experience, I recommend using a sd card reader
device that mounts the thing as a /dev/sdX device. Ettus research
usually ships one of these readers with the usrp2s.

Correction -- We don't ship one of the readers unless you purchase it separately.


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