On a fresh openSUSE 11.2, if have installed gnuradio a few days ago.
After the installation, rpm -qa --last gave me
python-Cheetah-2.4.0-1.3                      So 21 Mär 2010 23:41:46 CET
python-lxml-2.2.2-2.1                         So 21 Mär 2010 23:38:17 CET
python-wxGTK-                So 21 Mär 2010 23:33:44 CET
wxWidgets-                   So 21 Mär 2010 23:28:36 CET
libmspack0-0.0.20060920alpha-69.2             So 21 Mär 2010 23:28:35 CET
sdcc-devel-2.7.0-3.1                          So 21 Mär 2010 23:18:49 CET
sdcc-2.7.0-3.1                                So 21 Mär 2010 23:18:47 CET
libusb-compat-devel-0.1.3-2.2                 So 21 Mär 2010 23:13:11 CET
libSDL-devel-1.2.13-112.3                     So 21 Mär 2010 23:08:38 CET
guile-1.8.6-2.3                               So 21 Mär 2010 23:08:37 CET
alsa-devel-1.0.21-3.2                         So 21 Mär 2010 23:08:37 CET
libqwt-devel-5.2.0-0.pm.3.1                   So 21 Mär 2010 23:05:48 CET
libqwt5-5.2.0-0.pm.3.1                        So 21 Mär 2010 23:05:48 CET
libqwtplot3d-devel-0.2.7-0.pm.4.1             So 21 Mär 2010 23:05:25 CET
libqwtplot3d0-0.2.7-0.pm.4.1                  So 21 Mär 2010 23:05:24 CET
libusb-1_0-devel-1.0.2-2.2                    So 21 Mär 2010 23:04:23 CET
gsl-devel-1.12-2.2                            So 21 Mär 2010 23:02:35 CET
gsl-1.12-2.2                                  So 21 Mär 2010 23:02:34 CET
libcppunit-devel-1.12.0-93.2                  So 21 Mär 2010 23:00:32 CET
libcppunit-1_12-0-1.12.0-93.2                 So 21 Mär 2010 23:00:30 CET
doxygen-1.5.9-3.2                             So 21 Mär 2010 22:59:58 CET
fftw3-threads-devel-3.2.2-2.2                 So 21 Mär 2010 22:58:02 CET
fftw3-devel-3.2.2-2.2                         So 21 Mär 2010 22:57:47 CET
fftw3-threads-3.2.2-2.2                       So 21 Mär 2010 22:57:46 CET
gcc-fortran-4.4-4.2                           So 21 Mär 2010 22:56:56 CET
gcc44-fortran-4.4.1_20090817-2.3.4            So 21 Mär 2010 22:56:55 CET
python-devel-2.6.2-6.3                        So 21 Mär 2010 22:56:14 CET

Before I have upgraded to 11.2, I used 11.1 as well... so it _has_ to
work. Please note, that some of the packages above are not in the
standard repositories: You should use the appropriate repository from
the OBS.


2010/3/22 Tom Rondeau <trondeau1...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 8:15 AM, Andrew Rich <vk4...@tech-software.net> wrote:
>> Thanks Alex
>> I forgot about that page, talk about doing things the long way around !
>> I installed and got:-
>> *********************************************************************
>> The following GNU Radio components have been successfully configured:
>> config
>> gruel
>> omnithread
>> gnuradio-core
>> pmt
>> mblock
>> usrp2
>> gr-usrp2
>> gr-audio-alsa
>> gr-audio-jack
>> gr-audio-oss
>> gr-cvsd-vocoder
>> gr-gsm-fr-vocoder
>> gr-pager
>> gr-radio-astronomy
>> gr-trellis
>> gr-video-sdl
>> gnuradio-examples
>> docs
>> You my now run the make command to build these components.
>> *********************************************************************
>> The following components were skipped either because you asked not
>> to build them or they didn't pass configuration checks:
>> gcell
>> usrp
>> gr-usrp
>> gr-gcell
>> gr-audio-osx
>> gr-audio-portaudio
>> gr-audio-windows
>> gr-gpio
>> gr-radar-mono
>> gr-wxgui
>> gr-qtgui
>> gr-sounder
>> gr-utils
>> grc
>> These components will not be built.
> Andrew,
> With the configure script, you can always add a "--enable-gr-usrp" or
> any other component. This will force the configure script to
> explicitly check that those components can be installed. If they
> can't, it will immediately exit and you can see the error that caused
> the exit.
> Of this group that you have listed that will not be installed, the
> important ones are gr-usrp and gr-wxgui, which will allow gr-utils to
> be installed. For gr-usrp, you probably need SDCC installed and for
> gr-wxgui you'll need wxPython and wxGui.
> Tom
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