On 05/10/2010 09:04 PM, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
> Well, I just turned gl rendering back on, but displayed via an SSH
> tunnel back to a different machine
>   with a different video card.  Works just fine.
> So, some badness in GL I spoze.  Not much that Gnu Radio can do about
> it, I guess.
Just to follow up on this.

The "x86_64" part seems indeed to have been a red herring.

I just installed a new video card in the machine that was giving trouble
when "gl" rendering was
  turned on in Gnu Radio, and it works fine now.

The card I had in there was a ca 2000, ATI Rage 128 card.  Not very
capable, to be sure.  The
  new card is a 8400 GS based card, and it works fine with the GL rendering.

Seems to me, that provoking a segfault is a not very polite way of
telling you that your video card
  is too old and creaky to support GL.  But maybe I'm just old-fashioned
:-)  Furthermore, perhaps GL
  should be able to detect this situation and "fall back" to something
that will work, but perhaps have
  slower performance or sometime.  [Talking quite distinctly through my
hat here, because I have only
  the vaguest notion of how GL does what GL does].

So, for anyone else who runs into a problem where *any* of the Gnu Radio
example apps that use the
  GUI, and the GUI is configured for "gl", and all you can get out of it
is a segmentation fault.  Try
  upgrading to a "modern" video card.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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