On 11/21/2011 06:45 PM, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
I have a USRP1 with a WBX and a DBSRX installed. Everything worked fine with the gr-3.3.0-rc3 and even several months ago when I started using Marcus Leech's script. But lately (within the past few weeks) when building the latest GR+UHD (with ML's script), if I run a flowgrpah that uses the DBSRX or uhd_usrp_probe, I get an error message like the one below. Does anyone know why this might be occurring? Apologies if this is better suited for the USRP USers group.

spacequest@sq-macbp:~$ uhd_usrp_probe
linux; GNU C++ version 4.5.2; Boost_104200; UHD_003.004.000-dac9a50

-- Loading firmware image: /usr/local/share/uhd/images/usrp1_fw.ihx... done
-- Opening a USRP1 device...
-- Loading FPGA image: /usr/local/share/uhd/images/usrp1_fpga.rbf... done
-- Using FPGA clock rate of 64.000000MHz...

UHD Warning:
    DBSRX: Tuning exceeded vco range, _max2118_write_regs.osc_band == 0

UHD Error:
    The daughterboard manager encountered a recoverable error in init
    AssertionError: _max2118_read_regs.adc != 0
      in double dbsrx::set_lo_freq(double)
      at /home/spacequest/uhd/host/lib/usrp/dboard/db_dbsrx.cpp:370
Error: RuntimeError: Cannot create! Property already exists at: /mboards/0/dboards/B/rx_frontends/0/name

System is Ubuntu 11.04 x86 on a Mac Book Pro.

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Oh, Josh!  There seems to be a problem.

[I had the same issue from one of my IRA customers in Mexico, but dismissed it as a fluke, but this is the second instance of that
  error with a DBSRX I've heard of].

This sounds like a regression in the latest UHD. They've re-engineered the entire "daughterboard properties" framework inside UHD,
  and there are, it seems, a few wobbly bits.

Keep in mind that build-gnuradio always fetches the latest GIT "master", rather than the latest "release"--so occasionally, stuff won't work. I spoze that if I were stroked appropriatley, I might add a feature to build-gnuradio to download only the "released" GIT
  code, rather than whatever is on the current master.

If such a change to the cript qualifies as "low-hanging fruit," I'd be happy to tackle it. At SQ, we need a quick way to install the latest stable release for production systems, so this would definitely be useful. I think you may have spoken to a co-worker of mine named Samudra about this recently. The trick it seems is to match a proper, stable release of UHD to its GR counterpart. Is there a proper way to do this, or do we just need to keep a table of release pairs?

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