> when i run uhd_fft it runs ok but parallel i cannot run benchmark
> so i must close the uhd_fft to run the benchmark_tx
> as message appears that RuntimeError: LookupError: KeyError: No devices
> found for ----->
> Empty Device Address
> although while searching i find video running both togothers. so how can i
> do this to see transmitted signal at certain frequency from the benchmark
> transmitted


a USRP device can only be accessed by one process at a time. So when you
run uhd_fft this process occupies your USRP. When starting benchmark_tx
the UHD lib looks for other available USRPs and trhows LookupError because
it can not find any unused USRP device (I assume you only have one USRP
device connected?) unless you stop uhd_fft before (in which case your USRP
is available again)


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