On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 7:44 PM, William Pretty Security
<bill.pre...@xplornet.com> wrote:
> Hello list;
> I have been following a thread by Marcus and others about coherent
> receivers, etc.
> I have a question: Is it possible to change the clock frequency to receive a
> slightly lower frequency?
> I have some ~ 49.89MHz wireless mic’s that I would like to reuse, and an SDR
> seems like a cool solution.
> My current RTL dongle bottoms out at exactly 50MHz L Can I just change the
> clock or are their firmware issues as well?
> Right now if a try and set the frequency to say 45MHz, I get a “device not
> found” error from the Windoze software.

The clock has nothing to do with the RF range (not directly anyway)
since there is an integrated tuner that converts the RF to DC or a low
IF. Thew exact RF range depends on the tuner and if you get a device
with the R820T tuner it will work down to 24 MHz or so.


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