On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Ralph A. Schmid, dk5ras

> Hi,
> Did one of you out there have any success with gr-dsd, with the dsd grc
> block? Maybe some examples are available that one is willing to share?
> I am using the bladeRF, get no errors, but also most time noe audio
> output, and it looks to me there are not very much values to play with :)
> D-Star seems to work somehow, my callsign is decoded, and some strongly
> distorted audio. No DMR (repeater with strong signal), no P25 (directly
> from my handheld).
> What parameters for the NBFM RX block are recommended?

Not recommended at all. The block was made for voice and has a narrow audio
filter at the output. It will cut off too much of the data signal. Use a
plain FM demodulator without any filters.

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