On 03/16/2014 05:06 PM, Chris Stankevitz wrote:


Thank you.  In gentoo speak, what you said typically translates to
"The gnuradio ebuild has a uhd USE flag.  Make sure the uhd USE flag
is enabled."  Well, I checked and sure enough it was disabled.  I'm
rebuilding now but I'm sure it will work correctly.

Thanks again,

The nice thing about distribution-specific idioms is....there's too damned many from which to choose. :(

People often criticize build-gnuradio because it "doesn't cover *my* particular distribution", as if adding support for a new distrib
  is as easy as dumping Nigerian spam in your junk folder....

One of Linux' most serious weaknesses has emerged from its most profound strength--there are now dozens of distribs extant, each with their own peculiar packaging tools, idioms, and filesystem layouts, and with that, troubleshooting strategies. If I were in charge of
  the world, there would only be one Linux distribution :) :)

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