Hello...  new user here.  I need to know what do next.  There is no GRC
icon after the install.  Any help would be great.  Thanks.

I ran the following on a very fresh install of Ubuntu LTS.

sudo apt-get install git

git clone git://github.com/pybombs/pybombs

cd pybombs

./pybombs install gnuradio

sudo ldconfig

There were no errors reported along the way and took about 1 hour.  I
selected all of the defaults during the pybombs install.

Terminal window displayed the following upon completion:

Best unaligned arch: u_sse3
RUN_VOLK_TESTS: volk_32f_s32f_multiply_32f(
u_sse completed in 470ms
u_avx completed in 480ms
generic completed in 1110ms
a_sse completed in 470ms
a_avx completed in 500ms
a_generic completed in 1120ms
Best aligned arch: u_sse
Best unaligned arch: u_sse
Creating "/home/xxxx/.volk"...
Writing "/home/xxxx/.volk/volk_config"...

xxxx@xxxx-TECRA-R950:~/pybombs$ sudo ldconfig
[sudo] password for xxxx:

Now what?
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