
Thanks for the inquiry.  Is there a specific protocol or format you are
trying to work with?  Are the frame size fixed in length or variable?  The
answers to these questions will dictate whether you can use an existing
block or if you will need to write your own.

Writing a block to parse things after the correlate access code block is
relatively straight-forward.  If you are using the (tag) version of that
block, you simply need to look for the presence of that tag to delineate
the start of a frame.


On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Jay Radcliffe <jay.radcli...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I have a question about handling data after binary slicing in the
> demodulation portion of handling a signal. Currently I am taking that data
> and pushing it through the Correlate Access Code block then into a file
> sink. This produces a data file.  I didn't know if someone could tell me a
> block or method that will output the binary stream (or hex stream) to a
> file or stdout for real-time view of the pack contents. Currently I have
> some python code that converts that data file into binary/hex which is not
> idea.
> Thanks,
> Jay
> Jay Radcliffe
> Twitter: @jradcliffe02
> E-Mail: 
> jay.radcli...@gmail.com<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=jay.radcli...@gmail.com>
> LinkedIn + Resume: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jradcliffe02
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