Thanks I'll take a closer look.

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Marcus Müller <>wrote:

> Hi,
> PDU blocks are a *type* of blocks. Basically, you tag your sample stream
> so that the blocks downstream know how long your packet is.
> The tagged stream infrastructure is an innovation meant to simplify the
> design of blocks dealing with packetized data.
> Lool in the gr-digital/examples subfolder for how some implementations of
> that principle are used.
> Greetings,
> Marcus
> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Francois Gervais <
>> wrote:
>> Sorry about that I'll try to clarify thing.
>> I'm using an rtl-sdr adapter to receive an RF signal. I demodulate it and
>> send it through the MM clock recovery and bit slicer. Then the binary
>> signal enters the block I'm talking about here.
>> This block find a valid packet by matching the preamble and the sync
>> pattern and translates the packet into another format that is understood by
>> a software stack designed for these type of packets.
>> Normally this stack would take it's input from a serial port but in my
>> case I output the packets in the correct serial protocol through a file
>> sink that is binded to a FIFO.
>> I'll take a look at the PDU block but this translation needs to be done
>> between two very specific protocol. I don't think a generic block can
>> achieve that.
>> Right now the development is mostly finished. All I need to make sure is
>> that my block interface correctly with the scheduler since I don't have a
>> fixed input to output number relationship. It's mostly 8:1 but that not
>> always exactly the case.
>> Hope it makes sense.
>> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Marcus Müller <>wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Hi Francois,
>>> as Activecat, I'm kind of having a hard time understanidng your
>>> requirements.
>>> If you're emulating a hardware signal source, go for the source approach.
>>> If you're basically taking input from anywhere and packing it into
>>> packets of varying length, that's exactly what the PDU block
>>> infrastructure is for:
>>> Greetings,
>>> Marcus
>>> On 20.05.2014 15:59, Francois Gervais wrote:
>>> > Thanks Activecat you actually answered quite well to my question. I
>>> > thought it might be better to send 0s, i'm glad you confirmed that.
>>> > And thanks for the output algorithm.
>>> >
>>> > Could you tell me more about forecast? Most of the time I need 8
>>> > input samples to produce one byte output so I set the forecast like
>>> > so:
>>> >
>>> > ninput_items_required[0] = noutput_items*8;
>>> >
>>> > It seems pretty straight forward. Is this correct?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 9:32 PM, Activecat <>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 2:17 AM, Francois Gervais <
>>> >>> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> Hi,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I'm making a block which takes bit from a bit slicer and output
>>> >>> packets as input comes in. My block will output bytes so it can
>>> >>> emulate a usb adapter that receives the RF signal and output a
>>> >>> packet stream through an FTDI. That way I can use the stack
>>> >>> that comes with the adapter without owning one. I'll use a FIFO
>>> >>> file so other than not issuing the serail configuration the
>>> >>> stack should be used pretty much as is.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> However, I'm not sure what I should do about the the number of
>>> >>> outputs. Let say I'm waiting for the preamble, I won't output
>>> >>> anything. When I get the preamble and the sync I'll send a sync
>>> >>> byte of my own. From here every 8 inputs I'll output a byte. So
>>> >>> basically my block will output 0 or 1 output.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Can someone help me a little with the use of forecast and
>>> >>> noutput_items in my case? Also do I need to use the
>>> >>> consume_each function?
>>> >>>
>>> >>
>>> >> If your block emulates a USB adapter, defines it as a source
>>> >> block, then you don't need to touch forecast(). If your block
>>> >> takes input from another block, then it is not source block. I
>>> >> don't really understand your requirements.
>>> >>
>>> >> The number of outputs (referred as noutput_items) is determined
>>> >> by the scheduler, not yourself. Says, when you have X bytes to
>>> >> send out, if X > noutput_items:  Send out noutput_items number of
>>> >> output, and return noutput_items if X < noutput_items:  Send out
>>> >> X number of output, and return X if X == noutput_items: (either
>>> >> one of above)
>>> >>
>>> >> When you send out a sync byte, add that to the output count.
>>> >>
>>> >> When you are waiting for the preamble, you may want to send out a
>>> >> series of zeros, rather than just producing no output. Producing
>>> >> no output may cause the downstream blocks to become
>>> >> unresponsive.
>>> >>
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>>> >> mailing list
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> > mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
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