On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 2:46 PM, zielalaoui <z.i.elala...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm trying to built a system with several digital modulations. First, I
> should be able to print constellations by using qt constellation block. I
> started by creating a simple flowgraph with two modulations. That is my
> flowgraph  <http://gnuradio.4.n7.nabble.com/file/n48338/qt_applic.jpeg>  .
> I take the top_block.py file and I tried to modify it by adding new
> function
> to switch  the null sink and the constellation block by using disconnect()
> and connect() function. finally in the main function i added lock() and
> unlock() functions to reconfigure the application.
> the problem is when i run the modified python file the constellation
> graphic
> appear but it conserves the first constellation representation even the
> switching is happened .
> what do you think about that?
> should I write something to rerun the qt application?
> I appreciate your help

Yes, the QT sinks keep some internal buffers, which are preserved during a
lock/unlock reset event.

You could look to overload the start() function (add a bool
cosnt_sink_c_impl::start() function) that calls just calls _reset() and
returns block::start(). In the extreme, you could cal memset on all
d_residbufs_real and d_residbufs_imag to rest them to 0, but I think just
calling _reset and having the pointers appropriately update should be

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