On 05.06.2014 16:42, xianda wrote:
        Thank you for your kindly reply.Thank you for providing your
ofdm code.These help me a lot.
        1.(gnuradio/gr-digital/examples/ofdm/(benchmark_rx.py and so
on))These code belonging to the new version or old version ?


        2.In my opinion,all the code related to the new version ofdm are
save in gnuradio/gr-digital/lib and gnuradio/gr-digital/include.Is it
right?But no python code related to the new version of ofdm?

ofdm_txrx.py is new. But not as much Python as the old code, and that's a feature.

       3.I'm now working on the ofdm.But in the catalogue
gnuradio/gr-digital,there are so many old and new ofdm code mixed.Can
you tell me which is the new code?

Anything referenced in ofdm_txrx.py is new. Rest is old.


       Thanks very much.
Best regards,

At 2014-06-05 10:21:54, "Martin Braun" <martin.br...@ettus.com> wrote:
On 05.06.2014 15:26, xianda wrote:
         But i have read the
gnuradio/gr-digital/examples/ofdm/rx_ofdm.grc.And i think the connection
way of the code in gnuradio/gr-digital/python/digital/ofdm_receiver.py
is different with the connection way in rx_ofdm.grc.Can someone explain
to me?I'm so puzzled.Thanks so much.
Best regards

This is an old script, which uses different blocks. It has nothing to do
with the OFDM code used in rx_ofdm.grc. Just ignore this.


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