On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 6:16 PM, David Halls <david.ha...@toshiba-trel.com>

> Thanks Activecat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had the problem that
> "out_rc[0:len(rcABm)] = rcABm
> ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (4096)
> (5376)"
> where "out_rc = output_items[3]"
> using set_output_multiple(4096*2) has resolved my problem by increasing
> the length of the output buffer vector to 4096*2. I wonder if there is a
> fixed limit as to how far I can stretch this? In the future I may want my
> decoder to output even more than blocks in one go.

In GRC graphical flowgraph there is a "Max Number of Output" setting under
the "Options" block.
Documentation: The Max Number of Output is the maximum number of output
items allowed for any block in the flowgraph; to disable this set the
max_nouts equal to 0. Use this to adjust the maximum latency a flowgraph
can exhibit.

Besides this I guess there is no other limiting factor.
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