
I have the feeling that there maybe a misunderstanding about what
MAVlink really is. The MAVlink protocol as such is serialization library
that is used to transfer information, i.e. serialized data structures,
between mobile and stationary devices rather than a whole "communication
system". You can transfer MAVlink messages over any kind of transport
system such as Wifi, bluetooth, Zigbee or any proprietary system.
So what you probably want is to receive and decode the communication of
that transfer system, maybe using GR, and then decode the actual payload
with the MAVlink library.


On 28.06.2014 08:07, Marcus Müller wrote:
> Hi!
> Of course it would be helpful if you had a capture device if your
> motivation was to capture signals of a system. Also, it will give you
> something to test your reception algorithms on.
> Greetings,
> Marcus
> On June 28, 2014 6:18:36 AM CEST, Paulo Roberto
> <bad_boy_...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>     Hello Marcus, thanks for your answer.
>     I have another question, if I have a sdr device like BladeRF or
>     HackRF, I will capture the signals without the need of simulating.
>     But I will need to decode received signals (what it's not a good
>     task), am I correct? In other words, would help me to have the sdr
>     device?
>     Thank you so much.
>     Paulo.
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 02:52:58 +0200
>     From: marcus.muel...@ettus.com
>     To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
>     Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Simulation with MAVLink protocol
>     Hi Paulo,
>     GNU Radio gives you but the framework to write and connect signal
>     processing blocks, as well as a nice set of "standard" blocks.
>     Among the functionalities available there are means to generate
>     packets and process the same.
>     If you know that if you can capture the signal, you could
>     mathematically/algorithmically analyze it, it's basically possible
>     to implement this in GNU Radio.
>     That being said, it's not really easy to implement a complete
>     packeted standard in GNU Radio since that might be a "logically"
>     complex task, involving different modulations, synchronization,
>     collision detection, arbitration, resend requests and much more.
>     However, there are several examples of people being able to decode
>     received signals. I like to point gr-ieee802-11 (WLAN packets
>     *transceiver*), and for a "simpler" system gr-air-modes (air traffic
>     control message decoding).
>     Greetings,
>     Marcus
>     On 27.06.2014 23:12, Paulo Roberto wrote:
>         Hello, I have some needs and I'd like to know if GnuRadio can help me 
> with it. I have already read some material at GR website and I didn't get the 
> answer.I need to receive and send packets with a specific protocol called 
> MAVLink, used in mini UAVs. More specifically I am thinking about developing 
> a sniffer.I don't have sdr hardware for now, then for starting I am thinking 
> on simulation. My doubts are as follows:
>         - Is it possible to implement a new protocol for sending and receive 
> packets? (MAVLink protocol)
>         - My idea is to simulate the exchange between a UAV and a control 
> ground station. Would it possible to do it?
>         Thanks in advance.            
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> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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