I'm trying to become familiar with gnuradio, starting with grc, but I've
run into a couple of stumbling blocks.

I'm using a USRP1 with an assortment of daughter boards, including LF-HF
and VHF capabilities. I'd like to be able to sample the spectrum in
relatively small segments, and capture the sample to a file, for particular
amplitude exceedances. To be specific, I'm looking at lightning impulses
and attempting to capture narrow segments of its discharge spectrum for
analysis. Most of this will be below 100 khz, although I'm interested in
systematically sampling from 10khz to 1 MHz. Of I can capture sufficient
samples, I'll perform wavelet and FFT analyses against them, to see if I
can identify patterns.

Could someone spare a clue to a new guy, and point me either toward an
appropriate starting point in Python, or a good place to start in a grc

Gerry Creager
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