On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Jason Noble <jason.noble...@gmail.com>

> The purpose of my current experiments is to create a 16QAM transmitter and
> receiver, with UDP sources/sinks, and using bladeRFx40's to
> transmit/receive.
> I'm using Number sinks to check values at various points of my flowgraph.
> If I use a constant source value of 1, a float input type to a Number sink
> displays a "1", but a byte input type displays a "0". This is problematic
> because I'm trying to troubleshoot the QAM demodulator which has an output
> type of byte.
> I've got Number sinks throughout the flowgraph. The source, modulator, and
> polyphase clock all output correct values for samples/symbols of "1111" but
> the demodulator is giving outputs of "0".
> Are these bugs, or am I doing something wrong?
> Also, I tried replacing the QAM mod/demod blocks with 8PSK blocks and
> still have the save problem.
> Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Yeah, this was a bug. Looks like a very stupid mistake on my part.

I've pushed a fix that mostly works, but we can't really fix it without
breaking the api. It should work fine now for char, short, and float
inputs. There's a note in the block's documentation about this.

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