I just fixed this issue within MacPorts < 
https://trac.macports.org/changeset/127653 >, which will be live by around 
12:30 PM/US/Eastern.  I ended up following Stephan’s lead and moving the 
shuffle index values directly into the function call; nothing else made clang 
happy.  Given that these constants are used just once, and other constants are 
used in other shuffle calls directly, I think it makes sense to just commit 
this change to GIT.  The patch (-p0) is found at < 
 > for anybody interested.  For folks using MacPorts, you’ll want to do:
sudo port clean gnuradio*
sudo port selfupdate
before installing or upgrading whichever gnuradio port you’re using (next or 
devel; none of the others are affected). - MLD

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