If you install gnuradio without a CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX it goes to /usr/local containing many subdirectories. But in some use cases it may be necessary to install into a different directory.
On your system the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is /usr/local

Am 20.04.2015 um 16:45 schrieb Murphy, John:
In the gr-display-master README file under "2. Installation" when it states...
$cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<where gnuradio is installed> ../

What is meant by "<where gnuradio is installed>"?
gnuradio gets installed across many directories, to which does this refer?

Sorry for the noob question, I never had to use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
before just using gr_modtool for my own blocks, even copying between

On my system, when I sudo make install my own modules, it puts stuff in...

gr-display sounds like a great idea, and I am eager to try it out.

John Murphy

On Sat, Apr 18, 2015 at 12:00 PM,  <discuss-gnuradio-requ...@gnu.org> wrote:
   12. Re: Writing text to a QT Gui Window (Volker Schroer)
Message: 12
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2015 12:46:50 +0200
From: Volker Schroer <dl1...@gmx.de>
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Writing text to a QT Gui Window
Have a look at
Am 18.04.2015 um 12:04 schrieb Mike Willis:
I am wondering how I might write stuff to a gui window from my OOT
blocks rather than to the console. I don?t see anything in the
standard blocks ? a gui text sink for example. I assume I will need to
write something but am short on examples of gui output
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