Hi all,

I'm playing around with timed commands on the USRP, but I'm not sure I 
understand them correctly.

I've got a usrp connected as "u" and set to center freq 700e6.

>>> u.set_command_time(u.get_time_now() + uhd.time_spec(2)); 
>>> u.set_center_freq(800e6); u.clear_command_time(); 
>>> print(u.get_center_freq()); time.sleep(2); print(u.get_center_freq())
-- Successfully tuned to 800.000000 MHz
<gnuradio.uhd.uhd_swig.tune_result_t; proxy of <Swig Object of type 
'::uhd::tune_result_t *' at 0x7f1b75a3b930> >
[... 2 second pause is here ...]

It looks like it's changing the freq immediately... but I'm assuming as usual 
there's more than meets the eye to this command. Any hints?

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