Hi all,

Lately I've been working with gr-lte and trying to use some of those blocks in 
my own application (not grc).

I'm still in the learning phase about ofdm/lte, and I'm struggling with the 
lack of documentation or comments in gr-lte.

I think I would prefer to use GNU Radio's built-in OFDM blocks for time/freq 
sync, CP removal, etc, and then lean on gr-lte blocks for decode/unpack 

My question is, is that practical? gr-lte uses a flowgraph like:

source -> cp-based timing sync -> lte PSS sync -> cp-based freq sync -> LTE SSS 
sync -> lte esimator -> decode stuff...

Are the gr::digital::ofdm* blocks too generic to understand things like LTE's 
primary and secondary sync symbols?

I have been referencing the receive flowgraph here: 

Thanks for any hints,
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