Hi Ashraf,

If you've configured the USRP source correctly, you're very likely actually displaying the spectrum your digital receiver sees -- depending on the signal, you could a) actually be rising the power level in that whole band, or b) maybe you're observing something like saturation and hence intermodulation of additional signals.

You migth want to share what exactly you are observing, and what exactly the signal is you're generating. Screenshots are easy to make and to upload [1], so please illustrate a little better!

Best regards,

[1] www.imgur.com

On 22.07.2015 17:56, Ashraf Younis wrote:
Hello, the issue I am having is I cannot display a graph that shows a wide range of frequencies and their power. When I attempt it with the QT GUI Frequency in GRC, I get something similar to the one in this video (FFT plot <https://youtu.be/cygDXeZaiOM?t=3m49s>) but then I transmit a signal in the range I am currently looking at and the whole line moves up. This leads me to believe that I am no displaying the whole range I desire, but in fact I am displaying the center frequency and a small bandwidth around it. I want to, for example, scan the 2.4 GHz range and see all of the channels and their power. And when I transmit at a certain frequency, I see a spike at the spot in the graph.

How do I create that graph?

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