
Sorry if I have too much question, I am getting started with GNU radio, and
I did not find the answer for this on the Internet.

I have USRP1 and inside it has 2 daughter boards: WBX and RFX400.
I run the FM receiving grc file and got this

UHD Warning:
    Tune Request: 102.500000 MHz
      The ification:
        Target Frequency: 102.500000 MHz
        Clipped Target Frequency: 380.000000 MHz
      The RF LO does not support the requested frequency:
        Requested LO Frequency: 380.000000 MHz
        RF LO Result: 400.000000 MHz
      Attempted to use the DSP to reach the requested frequency:
        Desired DSP Frequency: 20.000000 MHz
        DSP Result: 20.000000 MHz
      Successfully tuned to 380.000000 MHz

I changed various frequency and figure out the range that has Successfully
tuned is from 380Mhz to 520Mhz.
I don't know why this happen, the WBX suppose to have range from 50Mhz to
2200Mhz. Does it come from the wrong firmware ?
And moreover, my USRP has 2 daughter board, so how can I choose exact
daughter board to use ? In UHD USRP source of GNU radio. only have options
for antenna port for example RX2 or TX/RX, right ?

Best regards,

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