On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 7:40 AM, Johannes Demel <uf...@student.kit.edu>

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi David,
> > 2) Should I set 'Number of Points' to 576?
> Yes. The block will take this amount of points and display it. Then
> wait a given time and take the next chunk to display it.
> As long as the block does not have at least the specified amount of
> symbols available, it will not update or display anything.
> >
> > 3) Update period, what is this in terms of, Hz or..., what should I
> > set this to?
> It should be a value in seconds. Since the sink is only updated when
> enough new samples are available and you send only very few to the
> sink, I recommend setting this value to 0.0. This should trigger an
> update every 'Number of Points' received samples.
> >
> >
> > Sorry if this is all detailed somewhere but I can't find it easily
> > in https://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/page_qtgui.html

 The constellation sink also has the ability to trigger, which is based off
the magnitude of the incoming complex sample.


Set the trigger mode to TRIG_MODE_NORM and the level of the signal
magnitude you want to trigger off of. If you've set the number of points to
576 and it triggers off the first sample, that should display and hold the
plot until the next trigger action.

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