The next feature release of GNU Radio, 3.7.9, is targeted for mid-late
December, just before the holiday period.  Here are the key dates:

   - 12/07/15 - Feature freeze.  Bug fix merges only until final release;
   git/PyBOMBS users can do testing on master branch
   - 12/11/15 - 3.7.9rc1 tarball and ISO image release - users who do
   source builds and distribution maintainers can test build scripts
   - 12/22/15 - 3.7.9 release tarball, ISO image, site update

If you have any pending bug fixes or finalized feature branches, please
submit pull requests as soon as possible.

Thank you,


Johnathan Corgan
Corgan Labs - SDR Training and Development Services
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

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