On 08/03/16 20:52, Johnathan Corgan wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 10:06 AM, Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.pro
> <mailto:dan...@pocock.pro>> wrote:
>     Debian and GNU Radio are both confirmed in GSoC this year, is there
>     interest in advertising this idea[1] for converting the GNU Radio live
>     DVD into a Debian Live project, merging with the Debian Ham CD?
> ​The GNU Radio Live SDR environment builder is completely scripted,
> and designed to allow easy customization:
> https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio-livesdr
> For simple binary package installations, you can add a file with a
> list of packages here:
> https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio-livesdr/tree/livesdr/config/install-pkgs.d
> To add additional PyBOMBS (1.0) based GNU Radio OOT modules, you can
> modify:
> https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio-livesdr/blob/livesdr/config/pybombs.d/install.conf
> The conversion to using PyBOMBS 2.0​ is in progress.
> So it would be straightforward to create a long-lived branch that
> focuses on ham radio specific content.

The Debian Ham Blend produces both a live CD/DVD and also a collection
of packages that people can conveniently install as part of a normal
Debian system on their HDD:


Many of the things in the Blend are not specific to ham radio though. 
e.g you can use the gpredict utility to track any type of satellite. 
Browse the list of metapackages to see what I mean:

The benefit of adapting things from the GNU Radio live SDR environment
into the Debian Ham Blend is that it would involve more people in the
long term, as you get the experience of the Debian Ham team, the Debian
Live maintainers and a lot of other Debian resources too.

Parts of this task, such as making a ready-to-run transceiver, would not
only be for use in the live environment, they would be for users on any

I'm not suggesting that the current Live SDR solution is broken, rather,
a combined solution may be stronger in the long term.



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