Thank you so much for your quick response! I will take your advice with 
pybombs. Have great day.


From: West, Nathan <>
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 10:36:42 AM
To: Hughes, Jeremy Jay
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GNU Radio Overwrites UHD With Old Version

On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 9:25 AM, Hughes, Jeremy Jay 
<<>> wrote:

I am trying to install GNU Radio and UHD on a Raspberry Pi 2 so that it will 
work with a USRP B200MIni. I am using the newest version of Raspbian-Jessie on 
the Raspberry Pi. I can get GNU Radio installed using

> sudo apt-get install gnuradio

The problem is that the UHD provided with this is too old.  Will there be a 
updated package added to apt-get anytime soon?

This is a question for whoever packages GNU Radio for Raspbian. I would guess 
not. I recommend reading up on packaging practices of whatever distribution you 
use (in this case Raspbian, based on Debian). Most distros including Debian 
"freeze" packaged software at the version that was current whenever the 
distro's release freeze date is, and will update bug fixes, but not do 
wholesale release changes (essentially maintaining a stablei ABI so 
*everything* doesn't need to recompile). This avoids a *ton* of head aches.

The next thing I tried was installing UHD from source first and then installing 
GNU Radio after. I can get the UHD driver installed so that it will see the 
B200Mini but once I install GNU Radio it overwrites the UHD I installed from 

This is ambiguous. Did you apt-get install gnuradio? Again, this is a packaging 
thing for sanity. Your distribution's binary build of GNU Radio depends on your 
distribution's binary build of UHD and it will be installed.

The next thing I tried was using pybombs to install uhd and gnuradio but once 
again, I ended up with a UHD version that was too old to use with my B200Mini.

Now that's not supposed to happen.

Is there a way to get GNU Radio and a new version of UHD to work on the 
Raspberry Pi 2?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Make sure you remove *everything* you've done to date, then start over from 
scratch with pybombs. apt-get remove gnuradio and uhd. remove your source 
install of UHD, remove your pybombs install of everything. Clear out your 
pybombs prefix and try again with pybombs. In general don't mix source and 
binary installs.

Thank you for your time,

Jeremy Hughes

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