
     Your comments got me thinking about my destructors.  After poking
around a bit I realized that one of the constructors (the actual radio
interface) was never firing.  Turns out that I was not calling delete() on
the pointer to the radio manager instance.  Once I fixed that everything
just works.  Still runs twice which is just odd to me, but it does work as

     Thank you for guiding me in the right direction :D


On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 11:51 PM, Kevin Reid <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 8:48 PM, Dave NotTelling <>
> wrote:
>>      The radio is released properly when the destructor is called, but
>> it's not getting called for some reason.  I have several C++ tests that
>> work like a champ, but the Python test doesn't actually release the
>> resources that were allocated.  I even tried assigning my block that talks
>> to the radio to a variable in self ( and then setting it to None
>> in the tearDown method.  The resources still are not released.  If I stop a
>> GNU Radio flow graph that uses my block then everything is released just
>> fine.  Even when the Python test finishes (after the second run) the
>> resources are released.  It's just that the resources are not released
>> between the back to back runs of the same test.
> Well, if your test involves a flow graph then make sure you're (stopping
> and) discarding any references to the flow graph as well, since that will
> hold onto the block.
> Can you share your Python code?
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