
some of you might have noticed that I tagged the PyBOMBS 2.1.0 release
this weekend. I still owe you an announcement, though, and this is it!

I strongly encourage everyone to upgrade, if they haven't been tracking
the master branch already. Compared to 2.0.1, this release contains an
insane amount of bugfixes *and* new features. Really, I've been waiting
for a while for the the flood of bug reports to dry up, and I think this
is a decent time to tag.

You can get the latest PyBOMBS by running:

    $ pybombs install --upgrade PyBOMBS

(or you can still install directly from git, see the manual).

So what's new? I'm sure this list won't be comprehensive, but here it goes:

- Insane number of bug fixes
- We now have support for portage, Mac (brew + port), Fedora,
Ubuntu/Debian, pip, pacman and pkg-config for installing and/or
identifying packages.
- CentOS 7 also works. We've tested the living heck out of that.
- Install fully defined prefixes, including packages, with
    $ pybombs prefix init -R <recipe>
- git URLs can include a specific commit (like pip)
- Full Py3k support
- Merged show command into recipes command
- Requirer caching (speeds up everything)
- Updated recipe format: Added optional packages, always-true
satisfiers, prefix recipes
- Lots and lots of under-the-hood cleanups

Please, give it a try and report back if it doesn't work for you (and


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