Consider the identity channel that passes through it's input to its output.
This is an idealization of a very short run of high quality cable between
synchronized systems. Using GNURadio's channels_channel_model, I expect
that the following provides the identity channel:

Noise voltage: 0
Frequency offset: 0
Epsilon: 1
Taps: 1

That says add no noise, simulate no timing or carrier offset, and simulate
a channel impulse response that is a single impulse with amplitude 1.
However, I find that using such a channel model block introduces a delay
that can be corrected by applying the taps [0,0,0,1]. See the attached
flowgraph that subtracts the signals before and after the channel model; if
you let taps = 1, the two signals don't cancel. If you use taps =
[0,0,0,1], they do. Anyone know why this occurs? For my purposes, such a
channel model is a stand-in that is ideal for now, but general enough to
allow modeling of channel effects when I'm ready.

Raj Bhattacharjea, PhD
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Information and Communications Laboratory

Attachment: identity_channel_model.grc
Description: application/gnuradio-grc

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