Anyone have experience with streaming 100+ MSPS of 16 bit IQ data through a
compression tool and then to disk?  I'd like to be able to take really wide
band snaps for several minutes.  Currently that would take up 16 * 2 *
SAMP_RATE bits per second.  So, for 200 MSPS that would end up being 800
MBytes/s.  That rate eats up a hard drive pretty quickly.  Running it
through gzip by way of pigz was my first thought, but even on an 8 core
Intel machine pigz just can't keep up.  I can sustain maybe 300 MBytes/s
but that's it.  And I know it's not a hard disk limitation as the M.2 drive
I am using can easily sustain 800 MBytes/s of uncompressed data.


Thank you!

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