
I was able to use the gr-drm to transmit using USRP and receive it  on DRM 
receiver.  However when tried to change RM to mode A, it fails to transmit. I'm 
using  GNU Radio Companion

I would like to experiment more on gr-drm, like DRM transmission 
reconfiguration.  DRM standard supports  two types of reconfiguration: a 
service reconfiguration and a channel reconfiguration. This can be applied on 
the fly with or without audio interruption. I guess gr-drm doesn't support 

Can GNU Radio support on the fly changes to a block ?  How can a block be 
created to cycle through a set of values ? My aim is to automate the 
transmission by chnaging the parameters randomly.

I also like to add some channel simulations, like AWGN and Rayleigh channels o 
DRM transmission in gr-drm. I checked in GNU radio some blocks exist for 
Channel models which can be plugged in before USRP sink block. Has any body 
done any channel simulations on DRM transmission ?

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