
your scattered questions indicate you have a long way to go before you can
do anything useful with gnuradio on your own.

I suggest you "study" these examples carefully: you'll discover that many
people have put a lot of time and love into this and have provided
documentation to answer most if not all your questions.
Try to read the documentation of gr-trellis explaining how you can build
any arbitrary fsm.
Then read the documentation and code for the siso modules.
Then read the documentation and code for sccc/pccc etc.
As the folder name suggests these are only EXAMPLES but this is also open
source so all the code is there for you to read/change.

If the documentation does not answer your questions then please post a
specific question on the list. Even better, provide your own grc draft
design so people can comment on something concrete.
I am willing to help you with gr-trellis if you decide to take it seriously.

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