Ah; thanks Bastian. I sort of remembered that something was committed
that updated the use of log4cpp info. That's good. The downside is that
this is not part of the current GR release, so most users won't get its
benefits for a while longer -- until the next release. In MacPorts,
folks can install "gnuradio-devel" to get the benefits & verify
functionality right now. Not sure if/how well log4cpp is handled in
OOTs. Cheers! - MLD

On Fri, Apr 28, 2017, at 05:38 PM, Bastian Bloessl wrote:
> are you talking about building in-tree modules or OOTs?
> On 04/28/2017 11:13 PM, Michael Dickens wrote:
> > Hi Eugene - What you write looks to be true about the current GR
> > codebase. Bastian Bloessl has a commit that adds in LOG4CPP_INCLUDE_DIR
> > & related to those in-tree areas that need it (branch "ugly_cmake"): <
> > https://github.com/bastibl/gnuradio/commit/16d8e8cb9bd658991dabbc253c74850248b80f83
> >> .  I don't know the best solution, but it seems like there's got to be
> > a better way than manually including variables for logging as done right
> > now. Cheers! - MLD
> This branch was supposed to demonstrate what ugly cmake stuff we would
> have to add if we don't add the includes of dependencies to a module's
> exported includes.
> To avoid this mess, we added LOG4CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS to
> GNURADIO_RUNTIME_INCLUDE_DIRS, which should be added by all modules:
> https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/pull/1195/commits/51e565532f1f867baacc004222971fcf3703773b
> That means the problem should be fixed for in-tree modules and the
> ugly_cmake branch should be obsolete. If you have problems in-tree
> please let me know which module doesn't compile.
> A similar mechanism should, in my opinion, also be adopted for OOT
> modules. Currently, GNURADIO_ALL_INCLUDE_DIRS (which is set by
> find_package(gnuradio)) do not include the folders of its dependencies
> (i.e., the headers references from the public includes, like log4cpp).
> For that reason it is currently not possible to compile OOTs with
> non-standard log4cpp location. You would have to patch the module (add
> findlog4cpp.cmake and configure the patch appropriately).
> See the discussion here:
> https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/issues/1045

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