Dear Marcus,

Thanks for your answer and the precious complementary information. I
conclude that an implementation of QAM16's costas loop is more complicated
than the existing one, i.e  MPK receiver.

I am trying to reuse some existing implementation with 16QAM in order to
obtain something with my flowgraphs.

Best regards,

2017-07-17 14:25 GMT+02:00 Marcus Müller <>:

> Hi Rafik,
> I should have been a little more constructive in my last email:
> It's not inherently impossible to correct phase of a QAM reception using a
> costas loop – it's just that the GNU Radio costas loop block makes
> assumptions that break down for 16QAM:
>    - The Costas loop is a phase-only correction mechanism. Now, there's
>    12 different phases in a 16QAM:
>    [image: Phases of QAM]
>    Thus, all the Phase-locking Costas could do is correct things so that
>    you find the 12 possible phase values again
>    - Problem: While after a PSK-correcting Costas loop, you only have to
>    correct the phase ambiguity by rotating until the right symbol shows up at
>    the right position, now there's possibly one or two symbols, so your
>    ambiguity resolution gets a whole lot less fun
>    - The angles (¼π, ¾π, 5̸4π and 7̸4π [blue and green lines], ±atan(±⅓)
>    [orange and red] and π/2±atan(±⅓) [violet and brown]) aren't equally
>    distributed around the circle – which means that the costas-typical
>    assumption of linear, uniform error-over-angle function breaks down. This
>    is per se not catastrophical, but will actively break your system in
>    low-SNR situation. You'd have to build a costas loop with a phase error
>    detector (PED) that has a feeling for whether the current symbol is on a
>    diagonal or not, and adjusts the error estimate appropriately
>    - The ¼π, ¾π, 5̸4π and 7̸4π angles each are twice as likely to occur
>    than any of the other 8 phases (simply because there's two constellation
>    points on each of these phases, vs one for the rest). That means that you
>    might want to adjust your decision regions for a self-built PED 
> accordingly.
> The GNU Radio Costas Loop supports none of that. It's really meant for
> lower-order PSK constellations, and doesn't have the flexibility to address
> inequal phase decision boundaries etc. Really, Costas Loops are usually
> *not* used to recover phase of non-PSK modulations, as far as I (limited
> experience with QAM receivers) can tell.
> So, generally, if you can do timing recovery (and that might be possible,
> e.g. with a Polyphase Filterbank Clock Recovery approach), you should be
> able to see the constellation diagram. However, that will be rotated, and
> possibly also still slowly continue to rotate, depending on how good your
> timing recovery works. As I tried to hint at above, it's not trivial to
> design a phase recovery for true QAM modulations – in fact, the need to do
> that is, in practice, often avoided by having sufficient channel state info
> from somewhere else – e.g. by having a known preamble that can be used to
> derotate.
> Phase sync, like any sync, is always pretty application-specific, and it's
> not inherently easy to say, "yeah, that's the optimal algorithm" for any
> given case. You'll often find something like a receiver getting the initial
> phase estimate by correlating the post-timing-recovery stream to a known
> sequence, and then either using a phase error loop with a small bandwidth,
> assuming that phase jumps will never be large enough that you end up
> jumping the minimum phase distance between constellation points, or looking
> for periodically inserted pilot symbols and updating their internal phase
> tracking from these.
> Personally, I kind of still consider the Costas Loop a concept rooted in
> analog signal processing (though it definitely works good in digital
> domain, too) with the error signals etc actually being analog voltages
> being fed back to analog summing amplifiers and so on. That makes it easy
> (ok, easier) for me to visualize how phase stabilization for PSK-type
> modulations works. If I have to imagine I'd have to synchronize a quantized
> QAM with such a thing optimally, I'd have a hard time describing what the
> analog error estimator and analog loop filter should look like. In digital
> domain, we get all the "logic" coming cheap, so, yeah, why not have a few %
> of symbols being used for phase recovery and skip the phase error loop – we
> can double-use them to estimate more of the channel than just the phase, so
> that's not such a bad deal, usually. Again, this is all very
> application-specific!
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 07/17/2017 12:56 PM, Rafik ZITOUNI wrote:
> Thanks Marcus,
> So, how can I see my constellation points with 16 QAM receiver ?
> Regards,
> 2017-07-17 12:26 GMT+02:00 Marcus Müller <>:
>> No.
>> That's not going to work out, mathematically.
>> Best regards,
>> Marcus
>> On 07/17/2017 10:29 AM, Rafik ZITOUNI wrote:
>> Dear Cinaed,
>> The costas loop works only with BPSK, QPSK and 8PSK.
>> Is it possible to change the actual costas loop and add the 16 QAM.
>> Best regards,
>> 2017-07-14 0:46 GMT+02:00 Cinaed Simson <>:
>>> On 07/13/2017 06:16 AM, Rafik ZITOUNI wrote:
>>> > Dear Cinaed,
>>> >
>>> > But how to see the constellations of my received symbols since
>>> > constellation receiver and constellation decoder have a byte as an
>>> output.
>>> >
>>> > Is it possible to have a costas loop for QAM 16?
>>> I use the Polyphase Clock Sync.
>>> In the tutorial 7, they use a channel model
>>>  Const. Demod -> Channel Model-> Polyphase Clock -> CMA Equalizer ->
>>> Costa Loop -> Demodulator
>>> and put the Constellation Sink on the output of the Costa Loop.
>>> -- Cinaed
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> >
>>> > 2017-07-13 1:30 GMT+02:00 Cinaed Simson <
>>> > <>>:
>>> >
>>> >     On 07/12/2017 09:55 AM, Rafik ZITOUNI wrote:
>>> >     > Dear Cinaed,
>>> >     >
>>> >     > Thanks for your answer.
>>> >     >
>>> >     > I tried with my Tx and it works fine with a constellation, but
>>> with my
>>> >     > receiver symbols or  constellation_decoder, digital.qam_16()[1]
>>> gives me
>>> >     > an error.
>>> >
>>> >     I'm using the Constellation Modulator/Constellation Decoder pair
>>> and the
>>> >     Constellation Object with Type=Variable Constellation.
>>> >
>>> >     The same object is used for both the Constellation Modulator and
>>> the
>>> >     Constellation Decoder.
>>> >
>>> >     When I look inside the Constellation Decoder there's nothing to
>>> >     configure.
>>> >
>>> >     Maybe you're doing things differently.
>>> >
>>> >     -- Cinaed
>>> >
>>> >     >
>>> >     > line 164, in __init__
>>> >     >     self.digital_constellation_decoder_cb_0_0 =
>>> >     > digital.constellation_decoder_cb(digital.qam_16()[1])
>>> >     >
>>> >     > Best,
>>> >     >
>>> >     >
>>> >     >
>>> >     >
>>> >     > 2017-07-12 2:26 GMT+02:00 Cinaed Simson <
>>> <>
>>> >     > < <
>>> >>>:
>>> >     >
>>> >     >     On 07/11/2017 05:13 AM, Rafik ZITOUNI wrote:
>>> >     >     > Dear gnuradio users,
>>> >     >     >
>>> >     >     > I am trying to use digital_chunks_to_symbols to
>>> reconstruct block by
>>> >     >     > block my QAM modulator.
>>> >     >     >
>>> >     >     > Please could you give me an idea how to set the
>>> constellation points in
>>> >     >     > Symbol Table field?  I can do it with BPSK, QPSK and 8PSK
>>> using
>>> >     >     > constellation[0].points, constellation[1].points and
>>> >     >     > constellation[2].points, but how can I do it with 16 QAM ?
>>> >     >
>>> >     >     Try
>>> >     >
>>> >     >      Symbols:        digital.qam_16()[1]
>>> >     >      Constellations: digital.qam_16()[0]
>>> >     >
>>> >     >     -- Cinaed
>>> >     >
>>> >     >
>>> >     >     >
>>> >     >     > For my 16 QAM receiver, could you please tell me if it's
>>> possible to
>>> >     >     > have a constellation points view?
>>> >     >     >
>>> >     >     > Best,
>>> >     >     >
>>> >     >     > --
>>> >     >     > **<>Rafik
>>> >     >     >
>>> >     >     >
>>> >     >     >
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>>> >     > --
>>> >     > **<>Rafik
>>> >     >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > **<>Rafik
>>> >
>> --
>> <>Rafik
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> --
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