Hi Marcus ,

Sorry i forgot to attach the images in last second .

On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 3:48 PM, mohammad nejati <tufa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I recently noticed that all modulator blocks like qam psk gmsk ... have one
> similar problem , they consume high percent of CPU even when i connect a
> throttle to output of those . they consume a certain amount of CPU time
> (17%) and it doesn't change when i set throttle to 1k 10k 100k or even 10ms
> in the other word throttle in output doesn't work at all . PLS see first
> attached pic .
> After digging around in source codes i noticed a common problem of them are
> last stage of modulators when connected to pfb_arb_resampler_ccf , i tested
> Polyphase Arbitary Resampler just alone and it have exactly similar problem
> . PLS see second attached pic .
> It doesn't make any difference if i remove the throttle block and connect
> flow graph to a sink hardware for limiting sample rate it eat cpu in any
> case . some thing is wrong with Polyphase Arbitary Resampler block .
> Cheers .
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