Hi Sakthivel - It's not clear whether you are trying to test in place
or after "make install" ... clearly you've tried installing, but that
doesn't mean that's the way you're testing. Your info on the install
location & path seems correct; maybe there's an import error in the
compiled SWIG module? You can try manually by doing "import
<module_name>" directly in Python. This may or not fail. If it does,
one option is to edit the file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-
packages/<module_name>/<module_name>_swig.py" and look for the
function "swig_import_helper" for Python >= 2.7.0 (near the top of the
file), and comment out the "try:", "except:", and final function line
("return importlib.import_module('_<module_name>_swig')"). With those
lines commented out, you should see the actual import error. Hope this
helps! - MLD
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018, at 1:13 PM, Sakthivel Velumani wrote:
> I have been trying to do the simplest qa test for my qpsk demod C++
> block from the tutorials. When I run the qa_<block_name>.py im getting
> an import error: No module named <module_name>_swig. This happens for
> every C++ blocks.> 
> I can see that <module_name>_swig.py is being installed into 
> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-
> packages/<module_name>/<module_name>_swig.py, pyc and .pyo .> And when I 
> checked sys.path in python, I can see the path /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-
> packages along with many other paths.> 
> Any help would be appreciated.

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