Hi all!

As usual, there is a lot going on in the project and community, including
GSOC & SOCIS, GRCon planning, and new development. There are also some big
changes happening in the project leadership that I want to announce.

First, our Chief Architect and Foundation CTO, Johnathan Corgan, is moving
into a new role as a Technical Advisor for the project. He will no longer
be leading the project's technical development, but will remain part of the
project leadership, sharing his technical knowledge and guidance. Johnathan
has been a member of the GNU Radio project for 12 years, and served as the
Project Maintainer for much of that. Additionally, for many years GNU
Radio's infrastructure only existed because Johnathan paid for them with
his own funds. Johnathan's contributions and leadership have been critical
to GNU Radio's tremendous success, and the he deserves significant credit
for the work he has done for the project and community.

Here's a note from Johnathan, himself, about the change:

I've watched GNU Radio grow from its origins in the enthusiast community to
> a mainstream tool used extensively for government, academic, and commercial
> wireless research and applications. To have helped steward its design and
> implementation over the last decade, especially as an open source project
> with a purely volunteer community, has put me in contact with many talented
> and creative developers. Finally, teaching almost a hundred GNU Radio
> courses and consulting on GNU Radio projects in over a dozen countries has
> been the highlight of my career.
> While I will continue to engage with users and provide technical
> assistance to the GNU Radio project, its forward growth depends on new
> leadership and commitment. I look forward to seeing what's next.

As Johnathan transitions to his new role, well known developers in the
community will be taking on expanded responsibilities. Marcus Mueller will
become the Project Maintainer, responsible for merging, tagging, and
generally maintaining the codebase. Derek Kozel, Bastian Bloessl, Andrej
Rode, Philip Balister, and Nate Temple will become Project Officers, taking
on various development and community efforts to keep the project moving

My position leading the project and Foundation remains unchanged, as do the
roles of Martin Braun (Community Manager, PyBOMBS maintainer, Foundation
Officer), and Nathan West (VOLK maintainer). While Andrej and Derek are
expanding their development roles, Andrej will also continue as our web &
devops infrastructure admin, and Derek will continue to organize GRCon18.
Felix Wunsch will continue leading GNU Radio's participation in GSoC &

Our major priorities in the near-term include integrating the latest pull
requests, publishing a clear process for community suggestions &
contributions to the project, and getting to the long-awaited 3.8 release.
If you're interested in these topics, keep an eye on the list and IRC!
You'll start to see some announcements and activity very shortly.

We have a strong core team of experienced GNU Radio developers and
community members, and I'm really excited about the work that will get done
over the coming months. If you want to get involved, please don't hesitate
to reach out! We love working with new contributors. And, as always, if you
have any questions, just let us know.

Lastly, I would like to once again publicly thank Johnathan for all of his
hard work and contributions as a leader in our community over the last 12

Happy Hacking,
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