As kludge, you can edit


and add

  typedef unsigned short gr_uint16;

You'll need to add


to your CFLAGS.

But the show stopper may be gsl.

The FindGSL.cmake script punts to gnuradio - gnuradio will accept any
version above or equal to 1.10.

I have version 1.16 of GSL installed but based on the missing GSL
headers errors it appears you'll need some version GSL 2.x.

Note, there was trouble in the past with gr-fec when using GSL 2.x - I
don't know if the problem has been resolved.

-- Cinaed

On 04/09/2018 05:32 PM, Elkin Ducuara wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I want to install gr-fbmc from pybombs. For this reason i executed the
> next command:
> ~$sudo pybombs install gr-fbmc
> But i have gotten the next errors:
> "PyBOMBS - INFO - PyBOMBS Version 2.3.3a0
> PyBOMBS.Packager.apt - INFO - Install python-apt to speed up apt processing.
> PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Phase 1: Creating install tree and
> installing binary packages:
> Install tree:
> |
> \- gr-fbmc
> PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Phase 2: Recursively installing source
> packages to prefix:
> PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Installing package: gr-fbmc
> PyBOMBS.Packager.apt - INFO - Install python-apt to speed up apt processing.
> Clonar en «gr-fbmc»...
> remote: Counting objects: 3770, done.
> remote: Total 3770 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 3770
> Receiving objects: 100% (3770/3770), 2.77 MiB | 85.00 KiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (2971/2971), done.
> Comprobando la conectividad… hecho.
> PyBOMBS.Packager.apt - INFO - Install python-apt to speed up apt processing.
> Configuring: (100%)
> [=========================================================]
> Building:    (100%)
> [=========================================================]
> [  1%] Building CXX object lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-fbmc.dir/
> /usr/local/src/gr-fbmc/lib/ In member function ‘void
> gr::fbmc::fbmc_config::gen_preamble_sym()’:
> /usr/local/src/gr-fbmc/lib/ error: ‘gr_uint16’ was
> not declared in this scope
>        gr_uint16 start_state = 0xACE1u; /* Any nonzero start start will
> work. */
>        ^
> /usr/local/src/gr-fbmc/lib/ error: expected ‘;’
> before ‘lfsr’
>        gr_uint16  lfsr = start_state;
>                   ^
> /usr/local/src/gr-fbmc/lib/ error: ‘lfsr’ was not
> declared in this scope
>          bit = ((lfsr >> 0) ^ (lfsr >> 2) ^ (lfsr >> 3) ^ (lfsr >> 5)) & 1;
>                  ^
> lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-fbmc.dir/build.make:62: fallo en las
> instrucciones para el objetivo
> 'lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-fbmc.dir/'
> make[2]: *** [lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-fbmc.dir/] Error 1
> CMakeFiles/Makefile2:137: fallo en las instrucciones para el objetivo
> 'lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-fbmc.dir/all'
> make[1]: *** [lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-fbmc.dir/all] Error 2
> Makefile:138: fallo en las instrucciones para el objetivo 'all'
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> PyBOMBS.Packager.source - ERROR - Build failed. See output above for
> error messages.
> PyBOMBS.Packager.source - ERROR - Problem occurred while building
> package gr-fbmc:
> Build failed.
> PyBOMBS.install_manager - ERROR - Error installing package gr-fbmc.
> Aborting.
> "
> If anyone have had the same problem and/or know how solve it, please
> write me.
> Thanks.
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